Monday, February 13, 2012

Madame M's New Boss!

So it appears that I have a New Boss!  I don't know when it happened but it seems to have taken place very slow and methodical like.  She knew, and knows what shes doing and that is a scary thought!  The take over took place this morning and it seemed to come out of no where.  I have no one that I can appeal this decision too, so I will have to suck it up, tuck my tail and just sit back, and watch the show!!  Who is this New Hostile Take Over Boss you might ask...Brace yourself for it is none other that my 5 Year Old Daughter!!!  (duh, duh, duhhh)
Miss Hailey, as she likes to be called, decided this morning that my parenting wasn't good enough and she could do better.  I babysit a Girl named Destiny, who was having a ruff morning.  Not wanting to listen, rolling of the eyes telling me "what ever"!  I mean that is the thing to say at age 4....right??  Well it was time to put the toys aways and clean up so we could get ready to go.  Miss Hailey, who had been quietly watching from the sidelines was taking it all in, waiting for "HER" moment to shine.  I made the announcement "okay guys lets pick up so we can leave.  I want all toys out of the living room and then put away in your room.  Des, you will help Hailey with this, Okay?"  Yes ma'am from both girls and they were off......or so I thought.  I was in the bathroom getting myself ready I hear the first command.  "Pick up now, Des!  Don't make me ask you again."  I watched as they went into Hailey's room thinking to myself when I gave Hailey permission to "Over Parent" me but decided to keep my mouth shut to see just how bad I am at my J.O.B.! Once in Hailey's room the instructions continued.  (she couldn't see me because her bedroom door is cut in half and I was sitting in the hallway behind the closed bottom part)  "Destiny, put those Barbie's away, and don't just put them in the house!"  Destiny replies, "okay but Laura said you have to help" ..... "well Mom's not here!"  Okay at this point I yell over the door, You girls putting your stuff away?  I got a YES from both and then I asked Miss Hailey if she was helping!  "Yes Momma, I'm helping"  I said okay and proceeded to listen .... in a very quite voice, so I couldn't hear Miss Hailey says, "Destiny, if Momma asked if I helped you tell her yes.  I'm helping you cause you don't know where to put my stuff"  At this point I had, had enough of My New Boss and decided to see what was up.  I pop my head over the door and am greeted with a BIG Smile from Miss Hailey and Destiny kinda screamed cause I scared her!  LOL  I ask, Hailey when did I tell you I needed help with telling Des what to do?  She looks at me, tilts her little blond head to the side, just slightly and says without hesitation..."Mom, Destiny needed me to tell her what to do because she hasn't been listening all day to you and your tired!  I thought I would tell her what to do so you could have a Break!"  ..... What do you say to that??  Without busting into laughter I just said, Thank You for your help but when I need it I will ask, Okay!  She says Okay, Mommy I love you though!  I said I love you too, and then nicely told her to finish up her room while Des helped me in the living room.  My idea of getting Des out of the Rule of Miss Hailey.  Again I don't know when I actually loss control but her "ordering" of Des and even her Brother around has come on quick and I do correct her and have even punished her but shes so "GOOD" at it, I don't always catch it!!  To lose my parental rights to my 5 year old only means one thing.....By the time shes 16 I will be in Jail!! 

Madame M
Laura YAYA

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